Like the leaves changing in Autumn, my Fall Equinox Tarot spread, "Let the Leaves Fall Where They May" has undergone a recent transformation as well. 'Tis the season, LOL! Initially when I created this spread, it was part of a Wheel of the Year themed, multi-part Tarot Reading. It was designed so that one could follow a goal, dream, desire, or project through the Wheel of the Year (which represented the different cycles or phases of growth and development).
I am still keeping those readings, as they are, but I am taking the framework of those readings to make a more generic stand-alone version. And, at the same time, I am developing even more fun, enlightening, season-themed spreads too.
In some ways, this spread is much quieter in its approach to the seasonal theme, but the mood is there. Card 1, for example reflects the vibrancy of the leaves of fall..."How have your efforts made you stand out..."? Card 2 reflects the energy of the Fall Equinox, a pause...a moment of total balance. Card 3 reflects the changing of the season. As the nights are now getting longer, Card 4 gives us a long-term outlook or what long-term plan you need to put in place. Card 5 reminds one of seeing leaves on the ground being stirred up by the autumn winds. And Card 6, like a squirrel who has gathered nuts to get thru the coming winter, are your efforts bringing you the contentment and fulfillment that you need?
Here are some fun ways you can choose and layout these cards.
Why not (after shuffling and cutting the cards) you just let 6 cards fall, like fall leaves, from your hand to the floor or a table and read them how they fall facing you (upright, reversed, or sideways). If they fall sideways, you can decide how you should read the card. Or, try to incorporate aspects of both the upright and reversed interpretation into the reading.
Another method would be to let the cards fall as above, but if they fall face down, you drop more cards until you have the 6 cards you need for the reading.
Or, why not create a leaf pile with your tarot deck (like you raked a big pile of leaves), run your hands through the cards and pick 6 out?
Feel free to also layout your "leaves" the cards in different patterns than what is pictured below. Get creative, have fun with it...make it yours by adding your own personal touches.
I hope you enjoy this spread. Hopefully I will have another fall-themed spread to share with you before the season has passed. Blessed Mabon, Happy Equinox to all! --Banshee